Monday, January 5, 2009


Well this weekend started off with Drew and I going on a date night while my mom kept Brayden. We were excited- we dropped him off at 3 and planned to do some shopping, dinner and a movie and have him picked up at 9. Well I called to check and found out that he had refused to nap! So...we had to skip the movie and go get him in order for him to nap. Bummer.
Saturday we went to Bryn's (my cousins) first birthday party. Brayden loved playing with her and Ryleigh, and loved Bryn's birthday present- the sing along stage. He loved looking at himself in the mirror and watching the lights and music. He liked it so much I went and got hime one! I know I am terrible. Bryn loves Brayden though, and the entire time was trying to hug and kiss him- hilarious.
Yesterday we went to church and Brayden ate his bottle in the service, and I took him to the nursery. Well he got called out of the nursery again because he wouldn't stop crying! They took him out of the exersaucer and he went bananas. Brayden 2 Nursery 0
Then Drew and I headed to Florence to meet his family for dinner for Audra and Roxane's birthdays. We left Brayden with Aunt Megan because it fell right in a nap time. We had fun and he did great with his aunt!
We have been tackling the sleep problem- since his ear infections he was waking up every fourty five minutes at night screaming. Since then we have let him cry it out (I go in and check every three minutes!) and it has gotten better. The first night two hours, last night not till 6 a.m. Much better!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I'm glad the sleeping is getting better! It's rough letting them cry it out, but so worth it in the end. Good luck!

Family on Christmas

Family on Christmas
Merry Christmas

Spiky hair

Spiky hair
All dolled up for Christmas in Ohio

My little Santa

My little Santa
Ho Ho Ho!

Happy boy

Happy boy
On the way to church

Mostly about Brayden and Keaton, and the Beckett family! :)