Not sure if anyone still follows me any more, but I jumped on here and realized it had been a year since I had posted. Here are some updates from the Beckett family.
1. I moved schools this year. I decided to leave Northern Elementary and join Eastern Elementary's staff. I now teach third grade. It has been hard leaving the friends and colleagues from Northern, but I am happy with my decision and happy to be a part of Eastern's staff. I also really enjoy teaching third grade. They have indepedance I'm not used to, and I love teaching the harder content. I finished my Masters degree this summer too!! Yay!
2. Keaton is now 19 months old. He is 28 pounds, and loves to eat everything. He sleeps 12 hours a night and a two-three hour nap a day. He is hilarious and has developed quite the personality. He loves to kick a ball around the house, throw a ball, and run around and play with his brother. He loves to EAT all the time!!
3. Brayden is 3 1/2 and also quite the personality. He is potty trained (except for sleep times), stays in the church nursery (finally!), goes to his cubbies Awana's class once a week, has done two seasons of Peewee sports, and is now in Little Jammers basketball. He memorizes his Bible verse once a week, knows his letters and letter sounds, can count to 40, and loves trains and tractors still.
4. Drew is doing awesome at work and has continued to move up the ranks at the Health Department. He plays basketball once a week, and golfs whenever possible.
5. My sister Jessica is getting married New Years Eve to Mark Gardener. She is excited!
6. My sister-in-law Audra is getting married next October.
7. I think this is about it! :) I have missed blogging!
Beckett Family
Mostly about Brayden and Keaton, and the Beckett family! :)
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Trying to fight
So we made it pretty far before our first "family illness" struck the family. We all have been worn down, and it started with me with a terrible cough and congestion, and now my poor boys have it. I took them both to the doctor today and found out they both had double ear infections! My poor boys! So we now have lots of medicine to help them recover.
Keaton had his six month check-up a little while ago. He was 50 % in both height and weight, which is astounding since he was born in the 97%! He was doing great in all of his milestones!
Keaton had his six month check-up a little while ago. He was 50 % in both height and weight, which is astounding since he was born in the 97%! He was doing great in all of his milestones!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Keaton update- 6 months old
I have slacked on updating about my sweet baby lately, so I am going to stray away from the serious marriage book posts, and talk about Keaton Micah.
On Oct. 12th he will be six months old!! It is really hard to believe.
*He is now eating cereal, fruits and veggies three times a day. He also eats his bottle with each feeding, and in the snack times as well.
*He has a smile that melts my heart. He crinkles his nose up and opens his mouth real wide to show how happy he is.
*Brayden was always so insecure in new situations and new people (and still is) and Keaton is totally the opposite. He glows at anyone that talks to him, and will go to anyone. He "talks" to new people (just like his mommy!) and show off his personality.
* He has been waking up a few times a night with getting teeth (he now has his bottom two!) This has been rough, but other than sleep interrupted he is a happy camper.
*He rolls and "crawls" by scooting. He is doing things so much faster than his big brother did!
*He is his own little baby boy. Everyone tells me he looks like Brayden, but to me they are so different.
(He goes for his 6 month check up on Monday, so I will now his percentiles and weight and height.)
I am soo blessed to have this precious baby to love.
On Oct. 12th he will be six months old!! It is really hard to believe.
*He is now eating cereal, fruits and veggies three times a day. He also eats his bottle with each feeding, and in the snack times as well.
*He has a smile that melts my heart. He crinkles his nose up and opens his mouth real wide to show how happy he is.
*Brayden was always so insecure in new situations and new people (and still is) and Keaton is totally the opposite. He glows at anyone that talks to him, and will go to anyone. He "talks" to new people (just like his mommy!) and show off his personality.
* He has been waking up a few times a night with getting teeth (he now has his bottom two!) This has been rough, but other than sleep interrupted he is a happy camper.
*He rolls and "crawls" by scooting. He is doing things so much faster than his big brother did!
*He is his own little baby boy. Everyone tells me he looks like Brayden, but to me they are so different.
(He goes for his 6 month check up on Monday, so I will now his percentiles and weight and height.)
I am soo blessed to have this precious baby to love.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Sex Changes Everything
Why Sex unlocks a man's emotions
It's not shocking to know that men want more sex but do we know why?
All men want more sex and they believe that the women that love them don't seem to realize that this is a crisis not only for them but for the relationship. Why is this a crisis?? For them it is not just physical, but highly emotional. The author says lack of sex to him is like him not talking to us.
*Sex fills a powerful emotional need
~All men deal with secret feelings of insecurity and inadequecy and having sex assures him you find him desirable, helps loneliness, and gives them confidence
~All men want to be wanted- its not just the act of sex but they want you to want them. It's not just when we say no that it hurts them but they want you to be engaged and satisfied
Benefit #1 fulfilling sex makes him feel loved and desired
Benefit #2 gives him confidence
Wound #1 if she doesn't want to they feel incredible rejection- they feel like we are rejecting THEM- if you really don't want to have sex that night you need to reassure them that they are still desirable
Wound #2 Your lack of desire can send him into a depression
*Choose to love him in the way he needs- the author speaks about how most of us probably feel, we work, we clean, we take care of the kids, and we do all of this because we love our husbands and at the end of the day we are exhausted, but are we loving him the way he needs to be loved? Will he really care if the laundry isn't folded or if the dishes aren't washed? Are we saying no to the one thing they ask of us?
It's not shocking to know that men want more sex but do we know why?
All men want more sex and they believe that the women that love them don't seem to realize that this is a crisis not only for them but for the relationship. Why is this a crisis?? For them it is not just physical, but highly emotional. The author says lack of sex to him is like him not talking to us.
*Sex fills a powerful emotional need
~All men deal with secret feelings of insecurity and inadequecy and having sex assures him you find him desirable, helps loneliness, and gives them confidence
~All men want to be wanted- its not just the act of sex but they want you to want them. It's not just when we say no that it hurts them but they want you to be engaged and satisfied
Benefit #1 fulfilling sex makes him feel loved and desired
Benefit #2 gives him confidence
Wound #1 if she doesn't want to they feel incredible rejection- they feel like we are rejecting THEM- if you really don't want to have sex that night you need to reassure them that they are still desirable
Wound #2 Your lack of desire can send him into a depression
*Choose to love him in the way he needs- the author speaks about how most of us probably feel, we work, we clean, we take care of the kids, and we do all of this because we love our husbands and at the end of the day we are exhausted, but are we loving him the way he needs to be loved? Will he really care if the laundry isn't folded or if the dishes aren't washed? Are we saying no to the one thing they ask of us?
Monday, September 27, 2010
Chapter 4 The Lonliest Burden-
Why his need to provide weighs your man down and why he likes it that way...
Men feel that providing is their job- they feel a need to provide regardless of whether the wife stays at home or works. Just like women obsess of body insecurity men constantly obsess over the need to provide.
Why do they feel this way in this day and age when women can provide for themselves?
1. providing is at the core of their identity- they feel powerful when they provide, and they want to be depended on
2. providing is a way to say I love you- that is a way men express their love
3. providing accompanies his need to succeed- they like to feel successful at work
This need of providing means...
1. there is a risk of failure- they feel terrible when money is tight, worry a lot about losing their job
2. they feel trapped- they want to be depended on but sometimes feel trapped by that responsibility
What can we do to help?
1. help relieve pressure- when money is tight don't spend money unnecessarily
2. encourage and appreciate him- make sure he knows your pleasure in any financial progress so that he knows his hard work has paid off
Next week's why sex unlocks a man's emotions
Men feel that providing is their job- they feel a need to provide regardless of whether the wife stays at home or works. Just like women obsess of body insecurity men constantly obsess over the need to provide.
Why do they feel this way in this day and age when women can provide for themselves?
1. providing is at the core of their identity- they feel powerful when they provide, and they want to be depended on
2. providing is a way to say I love you- that is a way men express their love
3. providing accompanies his need to succeed- they like to feel successful at work
This need of providing means...
1. there is a risk of failure- they feel terrible when money is tight, worry a lot about losing their job
2. they feel trapped- they want to be depended on but sometimes feel trapped by that responsibility
What can we do to help?
1. help relieve pressure- when money is tight don't spend money unnecessarily
2. encourage and appreciate him- make sure he knows your pleasure in any financial progress so that he knows his hard work has paid off
Next week's why sex unlocks a man's emotions
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Why our Mr. Smooth doesn't always have it going on...
Chapter 2 in my "For Women Only" book was entitled "The Performance of a Lifetime." In a survey, the author found out that no matter how confident a man appeared on the outside almost three fourths of them admitted to feeling insecure about what others' opinion of them. She says men believe
1. they are always being judged- they think about what others think about them all the time
2. they think they don't know how to do a lot of things- rather it is something with the kids or something new at work
*She said the majority of men want to be good husbands, but they are so tired of "messing up" at home that they do give up at it. A lot of men say they know how to achieve at work and get complimented, and they know how to achieve on a sports field or court and get that rush or compliment, but if they aren't getting any positive support at home they don't know whether or not they are doing a good job. Rather if they are getting negativity it makes them want to stop trying all together, because they feel like they cannot succeed at being a good husband.
So what should we as wives do?
1. affirm him- when a man has the the support of this wife he feels like he can do anything; build him up when he is down; tell him how great he is
2. don't tear him down- if we focus our attention on what he is doing wrong, then we are undermining what we want most- for him to do it right
*only one in four men feel actively appreciated by their family- it says if they don't feel appreciated at home they will seek it somewhere else- whether it is at work, on the ball field, or with another woman
3. create a safety zone- they need a place where they can make mistakes and not be yelled at for it
4. supportive sex- sex plays a huuuge role in a man's self confidence- they say if he has had a rough week at work that will make him feel like he can do anything!
*A wife can give her husband confidence and it's not about being the "supportive little wife." It's about realizing that despite their veneer of confidence, our husbands really are insecure and they crave our affirmation.
1. they are always being judged- they think about what others think about them all the time
2. they think they don't know how to do a lot of things- rather it is something with the kids or something new at work
*She said the majority of men want to be good husbands, but they are so tired of "messing up" at home that they do give up at it. A lot of men say they know how to achieve at work and get complimented, and they know how to achieve on a sports field or court and get that rush or compliment, but if they aren't getting any positive support at home they don't know whether or not they are doing a good job. Rather if they are getting negativity it makes them want to stop trying all together, because they feel like they cannot succeed at being a good husband.
So what should we as wives do?
1. affirm him- when a man has the the support of this wife he feels like he can do anything; build him up when he is down; tell him how great he is
2. don't tear him down- if we focus our attention on what he is doing wrong, then we are undermining what we want most- for him to do it right
*only one in four men feel actively appreciated by their family- it says if they don't feel appreciated at home they will seek it somewhere else- whether it is at work, on the ball field, or with another woman
3. create a safety zone- they need a place where they can make mistakes and not be yelled at for it
4. supportive sex- sex plays a huuuge role in a man's self confidence- they say if he has had a rough week at work that will make him feel like he can do anything!
*A wife can give her husband confidence and it's not about being the "supportive little wife." It's about realizing that despite their veneer of confidence, our husbands really are insecure and they crave our affirmation.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
"For Women Only"
I am so tired lately between the boys, working, and grad school, but our small group has started a new book where the girls are reading "For Women Only" and the guys are reading "For Men Only." Our book gives us insight to our husbands, and how to love them the best we can. If you are anything like me, I always welcome advice. The past few years it has been mostly advice for babies, but I have been blessed with this book on marriage. I have been at fault for trying to give Drew what I need in a marriage, instead of what he needs.
The chapter we read this week was on a guys number one need- respect. When asked if they would rather be unloved or disrespected men overwhemingly picked unloved. They NEED respect. As much as we need reassurance and to be told they love us, they need to know we respect them. How can we do this?
1. Do not tell them to do something over and over (guilty!) Even if they don't do it on your time frame doesn't mean they aren't going to do it.
2. Let them figure things out and perservere without you telling them what to do. (I am extremely guilty of this with the babies- trying to tell Drew what to do.)
3. Do NOT talk down to them or demand things of them in front of people. Guys care more than we know about what other guys think of them, and it said we should be praising them in front of other people. That hugely builds their confidence.
4. Let them make decisions. I know I am the stronger personality, have a more fiery temper, but I do need to slow down and really listen, and not demand things.
I pray this week that I can show Drew respect in many ways ..:)
The chapter we read this week was on a guys number one need- respect. When asked if they would rather be unloved or disrespected men overwhemingly picked unloved. They NEED respect. As much as we need reassurance and to be told they love us, they need to know we respect them. How can we do this?
1. Do not tell them to do something over and over (guilty!) Even if they don't do it on your time frame doesn't mean they aren't going to do it.
2. Let them figure things out and perservere without you telling them what to do. (I am extremely guilty of this with the babies- trying to tell Drew what to do.)
3. Do NOT talk down to them or demand things of them in front of people. Guys care more than we know about what other guys think of them, and it said we should be praising them in front of other people. That hugely builds their confidence.
4. Let them make decisions. I know I am the stronger personality, have a more fiery temper, but I do need to slow down and really listen, and not demand things.
I pray this week that I can show Drew respect in many ways ..:)
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Family on Christmas

Merry Christmas
Spiky hair

All dolled up for Christmas in Ohio
My little Santa

Ho Ho Ho!
Happy boy

On the way to church
Beckett Family
Mostly about Brayden and Keaton, and the Beckett family! :)