Monday, October 4, 2010

Sex Changes Everything

Why Sex unlocks a man's emotions
It's not shocking to know that men want more sex but do we know why?
All men want more sex and they believe that the women that love them don't seem to realize that this is a crisis not only for them but for the relationship. Why is this a crisis?? For them it is not just physical, but highly emotional. The author says lack of sex to him is like him not talking to us.
*Sex fills a powerful emotional need
~All men deal with secret feelings of insecurity and inadequecy and having sex assures him you find him desirable, helps loneliness, and gives them confidence
~All men want to be wanted- its not just the act of sex but they want you to want them. It's not just when we say no that it hurts them but they want you to be engaged and satisfied
Benefit #1 fulfilling sex makes him feel loved and desired
Benefit #2 gives him confidence
Wound #1 if she doesn't want to they feel incredible rejection- they feel like we are rejecting THEM- if you really don't want to have sex that night you need to reassure them that they are still desirable
Wound #2 Your lack of desire can send him into a depression

*Choose to love him in the way he needs- the author speaks about how most of us probably feel, we work, we clean, we take care of the kids, and we do all of this because we love our husbands and at the end of the day we are exhausted, but are we loving him the way he needs to be loved? Will he really care if the laundry isn't folded or if the dishes aren't washed? Are we saying no to the one thing they ask of us?

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Family on Christmas

Family on Christmas
Merry Christmas

Spiky hair

Spiky hair
All dolled up for Christmas in Ohio

My little Santa

My little Santa
Ho Ho Ho!

Happy boy

Happy boy
On the way to church

Mostly about Brayden and Keaton, and the Beckett family! :)