Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Days!

So I was given the chance to rekindle my love for snow days the last two days. Somehow Georegtown got it worse than anywhere else, and I was blessed to get to spend Tuesday and Wednesday home with Brayden.
Tuesday was pretty bad outside, and Drew actually had a two hour delay to work. I stayed home all day and played with the baby.
Yesterday it wasn't as bad outside, and in between nap times Brayden and I met my mom and sisters for lunch. It worked out perfectly. He napped, I fed him, they had my food ordered, when I got there I ate, and he only sat for a few minutes, came home and it was time to nap again!
Then last night Brooke, Sejla and I (with Ella and Brayden in tow) went to dinner to celebrate mine and Brooke's birthdays. It was so good to see them. We don't get together nearly enough, but it always makes it so good when we do. The babies were good. Brayden ate some bananas and a bottle, and Ella had some rolls and salmon! They played with each other and got passed around to all of us!

Some new things going on with Brayden at six months old:
1. He LOVES his Jumperoo- He sits and jumps and cackles at himself. Hilarious.
2. He is taking three solid naps a day 1 1/2-2 hours. You don't mess with those naps or it isn't a fun day.
3. He loves his cereal, bananas, and applesause. Not so much on the carrots or sweet potatoes.
4. He does REALLY well in his new car seat. I used to dread taking him anywhere by myself because he would constantly melt down in the car seat, but so far he has done really well in the new one. I think he likes sitting up and being able to see better.
5. He is sitting up pretty consistently.
6. He likes to put his feet in his mouth.
7. He is very intrigued with Mr. Wiggles. Likes to grab at his fur and laugh at him.
8. Does really well with people but REALLY loves seeing Mommy and Daddy. :)
9. Is jabbering up a storm- it sounds like he says all sorts of words!!

He goes to get pictures made on SUnday, and the doctor on Monday so I will post on how that goes!


Nicole said...

Isn't it amazing how fast they grow up?! Enjoy the three naps, I miss them!

Mama Smors said...

A few things:
*YAY for snowdays!
*I love love love to hear Brayden giggle in his jumperoo~ everytime I talk to you on the phone :)
*I am so excited that the 3 naps are here- I always loved to be able to plan around that and it made the day much more enjoyable.
*I can't believe B is 6 months!!! HAPPY 1/2 BIRTHDAY!!!

Family on Christmas

Family on Christmas
Merry Christmas

Spiky hair

Spiky hair
All dolled up for Christmas in Ohio

My little Santa

My little Santa
Ho Ho Ho!

Happy boy

Happy boy
On the way to church

Mostly about Brayden and Keaton, and the Beckett family! :)